The Product and Growth Agency


We exist to help organizations to deliver data-driven, customer-centric, product-led digital experiences at scale. Our obsession is to enhance your Activation, Engagement and Retention rates.


Our vision is to be the partner of trust for leading brands that want to deliver highly relevant, engaging, omnichannel experiences, and transform their companies to be product-led through the end-to-end use and understanding of technology and data.

Product Minds is
a growing company

We make every decision and measure every outcome based on how well it serves our customers. We value ALL interactions with our customers and—by partnering with them to understand and analyze their needs—we provide solutions that they love.

We Make Things Happen

Successful people are a catalyst. They make things happen. Driven by passion and fuelled by their dreams, they are determined to take action and make a difference. They are not content to sit idle or procrastinate. They infect others with their passion and courage. Hang around a catalyst such as this and before long you may want to join their cause!

We're Infinite Learners

Our business evolves, our customers' business evolves, so we need to evolve with them. We need to be constantly learning. Learning is part of our DNA, and it’s our secret sauce to success. We pursue the Polymaths journey. This mindset is essential to ensuring every employee at Product Minds can advance their career.

We Experiment Fail Repeat

Don’t be afraid of failing, embrace a culture of failure and experimentation. Not all of our bets are going to work, in fact, most of them will lead to failure. But we need to be able to learn from each one of them. We try new things, we experiment, we measure the results of our experiments, and we LEARN!


Accountability is all about ownership and clarity. Ownership begins with accepting responsibility for a project or goal, from reception to outcome (and everything that may fall in between). This is particularly important for us because we always work based on goals: we set goals, and we keep accountable to them.

We Hustle And We're Visionaries

We can’t be stopped by failure. Furthermore, we are constantly learning, trying new things, and hustling. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Good things come to those who wait, but only the things left over by those who hustle.” Most people hope for a better future. They dream about things being different. Visionaries, however, see themselves making that difference. Dreamers dream about how great it would be for.

No hay un dia que no aprenda algo nuevo! Es una de las cosas que más me gustan de trabajar acá.

Carolina Nicolini
Account Executive
Product Minds

Los claros valores y el querer crecer todos juntos son algunas de las cosas por las que somos únicos. #Minder

Matias Bossie
Account Executive
Product Minds

Meet our amazing team

Nicolas De Paul

Sales Director

Information Systems Engineer (UTN) with 10+years of experience in the software industry.

Fan of eating out and having drinks with friends and family. Part-time vegan and traveling lover.

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Joaquin Bossie

Post Sales Director

Multifaceted entrepreneur, he believes that everything is possible if you put your mind to it.

Studied Robotics, Multimedia Design, and got an Industrial Engineer degree.

Always ready to collaborate and share knowledge with the team.

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Matias Bossie

Account Executive

Graduated in Tourism and Chef. Specialist in organizing and guiding trips.

Loves the snow, snowboarding, traveling with friends, and carrying a 15-kilogram backpack.

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Carolina Nicolini

Account Executive

Communications graduate and number one fan of The Office.

Passionate about everything that allows her to optimize and use communications in her favor.

She's an animal lover and has four cats and one dog.

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Bruno Santana

Customer Success Manager

Loves to work merging business and technology, creating the best experiences possible for the clients.

Sports (football and basketball), music (hip-hop and R&B), and movies/TV Shows are his passions, when he isn’t working, he will probably be doing something related to one of those activities. Probably enjoying a nice meal too.

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Evelyn Salvatore

Marketing & Communications Associate

Big Marketing and Communications enthusiast. Passionate about productivity, process optimization, and organization.

Graduated Editor, fantasy books nerd, and cheesecake lover.

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Matheus Floresta

Business Development Representative

Public relations lover currently studying Business.

Fan of São Paulino, Culé and Messi.

He loves Brazilian country music, concerts and enjoys a good beer.

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Julia Souza

Business Development Representative

👩🏽💻 UX specialist, loves helping people to improve their processes.

⚽️ Corinthians fan (of course 🙏🏽), loves Almodovar movies 🎬 and Latinx POP Songs 🎶

🕵🏽♀️ Very curious, likes meeting new people and places.

She's part 🇲🇽 🇵🇹 and 🇧🇷 and loves the sea.

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Demián Khanis

Business Development Representative

Hotel and Tourism Manager 🛩️

Loves card games, sports and investments ⚽🏀📈

Fan of spending time with friends eating asado or drinking mate 😄

Always willing to meet new people and learn all kinds of things 🫂

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Tomás Bensusan

Martech Analyst

Curious above all else 🔎

Industrial engineer with experience in econometrics and data analytics 📊

Beatlemaniac 🎶

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