Amplitude & Braze

We partner with best-of-breed martech software providers to help our clients to know, understand and engage better with their customers and ultimately drive growth.


It allows organizations to track user behavior at all stages of interaction with the product through tools like funnel reports, cross-platform tracking, user segmentation, cohort selection and analysis, advanced data collaboration solutions and dashboards, among others. Enabling teams to see and predict which combination of features and actions translate to business outcomes, and intelligently adapt each experience in real-time based on these insights.

Why Amplitude?

Innovate, measure, and grow with a self-serve platform and answer key questions about your business with a 360-degree view of user journey across devices, channels, and products.

Get Started

Data management

Great data is the foundation to digital optimization—and with Amplitude you’ll have everything you need to integrate sources, resolve identities, and control customer and product  data.

Product Analytics

Empower your teams with self-service insight into what bets to make, what features and customer actions lead to outcomes and where to double down.


Amplitude Recommend combines product analytics and automated machine learning to make personalizing every touchpoint possible without tapping technical resources.


Amplitude Experiment embeds analytics and customer behavior into A/B testing and rollout workflows so teams learn faster and adapt experiences for key segments.


Braze is a comprehensive customer engagement platform based on data. It enables companies to power relevant and memorable digital experiences between consumers and the brands they love. Data powers every Braze interaction, helping brands make human connections with their customers and drive growth through this data-driven, multi-channel solution. It unlocks your most creative customer engagement strategies and the support to grow them at your own pace.

Why Braze?

Deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time. With Braze you can orchestrate cross-channel campaigns to create great customer experiences to keep your users engaged.

Get Started

Dynamic Segmentation

Build dynamic audiences with real-time data and real-world context that change as your users do.

Journey Orchestration & Testing

Easily mix and match Canvas components to create simple yet powerful cross-channel journeys. Plus, built-in A/B testing tools make it easy to optimize as you go.


Braze has all the tools you need to personalize by channel, send time, copy, and more.

Optimize In Real Time

Continue to learn and grow with AI-enabled insights that generate new data, ideas, and audiences as you go.


Ready to unlock your full digital potential?

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