Case Study

Gympass transforms a Marketing and Growth area into an Insights Factory using Amplitude.

Gympass started its journey with Product Minds in 2021, by building a complete and integrated Stach Martech. Thanks to that, the company managed to democratize access to data and empower its teams to generate a true Insights Factory.

"Our teams are, all day, making decisions related to investment across different channels and focused on acquiring and converting users on every day of the journey. We needed to offer a simple and intuitive way of finding data and transforming it into insights. Due to the friendly interface of Amplitude, the tool fit perfectly" Pricylla Couto, Senior Director of Marketing Operations at Gympass.

Gympass is the largest global network of training facilities for the body and minds. The platform offers companies a way to engage their employees with physicall activities, motivating them to dedicate more time to their personal well-being. With a single monthly subscription, companies can help employees find an activity they'll love from over 600 activities across the US, Europe and Latin America. The goal is to multiply the number of people exercising at each company to create a healthier, more engaged workforce.

Created as a gym’s suscripyion tool, the Brazilian unicorn completed 10 years and shaped its services according to the demands of the moment, becoming a corporate wellness platform that stimulates all forms of physical, mental and emotional activities. Pricylla Couto, one of Amplitude's heavy users, is globally responsible for facilitating growth initiatives, determining the best structure, martech stack and processes, seeking to bring more efficiency to the marketing subareas, which focus on acquisition and retention of users in order to increase revenue generation. The area's objective is to be a factory of insights for stakeholders and enable data-based decision-making on a daily basis.

She also participated in Amplify, an event provided by Amplitude in Las Vegas, where several teams from around the world meet to exchange experiences and learn about new analytics trends. "I really liked Amplify, because I found people, teams, and companies with the same pain as us. So you share experiences and discover new paths, it was a very rich exchange. Every big company wants to have a 360° view of users, but few of them actually have it. It was important to get out of the brazilian context and understand that our country is on the same level as global companies.

Lots of Data but missing some way to connect Stack Martech

Gympass had an abundance of data available, but the data was not actionable. Most of the analysis were based on transactional data, which provides a view of the end of the funnel, of what happened, but without any behavioral analysis to tell us why it happened. They used pageview-based analysis tools aimed at acquisition analysis, which did not address post-conversion needs. In addition, they tracked the main conversion events, however they were not in real time and it was not possible to understand user behavior.

"We needed to empower business teams with self-service access to data for decision making. We are a Marketing team that was looking for a Product Analytics platform, because at the end of the day, people in this area need to have access to data in a simple way as much as product people do.”

In addition to seeking an analytics solution, bringing in a CDP tool was extremely relevant for the integration of data. Amplitude emerges as the tool that centralizes the behavioral analysis of users.

"We chose Amplitude due to several reasons, the first is its friendly interface and the possibility of easy understanding and use for business teams. The implementation being feasible and having an open API contributed to guarantee a good implementation. It was really important that the tool was able to integrate with the others we already have, today we integrate our CDP with Braze, our MAP, and with Amplitude, maximizing our efforts to integrate and centralize events through CDP. But above all, Amplitude is a tool that enhances our work today and will be fundamental in the future."

Product Minds was important to bring the necessary security to the purchase, implementation and instrumentation processes of the tool. Gympass already had a taxonomy and a defined data structure, and the Product Minds CS team reviewed the structure and taxonomy of events to ensure a good implementation.

"Today there are many tools in the martech world, many of them deliver a satisfactory result. But the support makes a lot of difference, for me, having support in Portuguese was even more important, because our development team is 100% Brazilian. Either way, I consider that the Product Minds team is more than that, they help a lot to understand better paths for growth, especially in the implementation part. Every day we get in touch through the slack channel and receive an immediate response, we’ve gained a lot of agility. There are tools that take 5 days to respond to a support request, this greatly delays the flow in the company."

Integrated Stach: Factory at full steam

Gympass teams use Amplitude daily, the main graphs are conversion funnels, retention and event segmentation. Understanding user behavior is the big issue for teams.

"We look at conversion funnels a lot because we want to understand the different paths that exist within the journey, we also need to see what is happening and analyse the reason why those steps were made between the key stages of the funnel."

Pricylla comments on the change in speed and understanding of data with the use of the analytics platform:

"It used to take many hours, or even days, to generate an insight. Today we do it in seconds. Before, using transactional data, we knew that many users upgraded their plan on the same day they contracted the service, with Amplitude, in a few clicks we found that the time window between the first and the upgrade is 16 minutes. 16 minutes. This is worth a lot, because we believe it is important to better explain the difference between the plans, so that each user chooses the correct plan initially, and generates less user frustration."

Amplitude and Product Minds have the dream of democratizing access to data, today the Gympass Insights Factory is taking great strides to achieve this dream:

"Amplitude is certainly helping to democratize access to data, precisely because the tool has such a simple interface. Of course, just one tool does not solve the problem, but with the help of Product Minds, we have the necessary training and support to stimulate the democratization of data access."
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